Your brain lies…on the daily. The part of your brain that lies is the primal part of the brain that has the sophistication of a 3 year-old.
It’s the part of the brain that doesn’t understand the rewards of delayed gratification.
It wants what is wants and it wants what it wants NOW!!!
- It’s the part of your brain that says one more cookie really won’t matter so who cares.
- It’s the part of the brain that says just hit snooze one more time, getting up early isn’t that important.
- It’s the part of your brain that says stay in bed , have another beer, eat all the Cheetos…it’s fine.
- It’s the part of the brain that says you aren’t worthy enough or good enough or pretty enough or handsome enough.
That part of the brain is incredibly amazing on so many levels but…it still lies.
It doesn’t know that what it is doing is a lie. It thinks it’s doing its job to keep you safe.
It doesn’t mean to be malicious with the lie. It thinks what it is saying is the truth, its just reporting the news.
Its intent is to help you seek pleasure, avoid pain and conserve energy.
When I say avoid pain, I mean emotional pain. The primal part of the brain seeks to keep you in the cave my friend and so in this blog I am going to provide you with at least 6 lies that your brain tells you on the daily and what you can do about it.
- “Something is wrong with me if I am not happy all the time”
I spent years and years thinking that I was soooo broken. I thought that there must be something wrong if I wasn’t happy. I thought the goals was to always be happy and feel good feelings.
When I learned that life is 50/50…that was a game changer.
No matter what…no matter how mature and emotionally evolved you are…you are going to experience negative emotions 50% of the time and positive emotions 50% of the time and that my friends IS the human experience.
It is a privilege to experience the full range of emotions available to us, it means we are living a human existence exactly the way we were designed by our creator.
When we don’t understand that, we can find ourselves caught in the loops of negative emotions and sit in the belief that there must be something wrong with me.
When we can learn and understand the 50/50 of the human experience, it actually feels more like 70/30 or even 80/20.
Think about the privilege of being able to experience joy. The only way we can know joy is to have something to compare it against and for me that is sadness. We could not know joy with our sadness.
When something bad happens that breaks your heart, you want to be able to experience sadness. It’s not that we want bad things to happen, it’s that we want to be able to express the appropriate emotion to the experience.
Some of the most joy I have experience has been with my horses and also the most sadness. I would not trade any of the experiences in order to avoid feeling sad because then I would not have known the joy.
So if you are not happy all the time my friend, guess what? It’s totally fine. You are not broken and nothing has gone wrong.
2. “I can’t”
We all know that “I can’t” is a lie and yet, we believe it.
I can’t stop eating, I can’t stop spending, I can’t stop yelling at the kids. I can’t get myself up on time, I can’t get to work early no matter what I try.
I just can’t.
Here is the deal…you either don’t want to, or you need help learning how to, but the truth is…you can.
If you decide that you don’t want to…that’s totally cool but say that, and stop buying into the lie that says you can’t.
You are deciding not to if you do not get help, and if help is what you decide, I totally got you!
3. “I only worry because I care.”
Worry is not a preventative strategy.
Worry does not prevent the event from happening… EVER!
Worrying is actually praying to the problem.
You worry because you choose to worry…care has nothing to do with it.
You worry because it is familiar and comfortable for you even if it feels crappy.
4. “That ticked me off or he ticked me off or she hurt my feeling or you fill in the blank when you feel emotionally triggered by what someone else says or does..”
Here is what is happening…person says words and you have thoughts about the words and that is what is creating your emotions.
This is so powerful my friends.
When we believe that someone else is making us feel our emotions, we are abdicating our emotions adulthood to someone else and we are stepping into emotional childhood.
Now…you might want to be mad when someone says something or does something but the point that I want to make is that it is your thoughts about the circumstance that is creating your emotions.
People do not have that much power over us emotionally without us giving it to them.
This is probably where I have had the most transformation over the year. I was always at the effect of what others were saying or doing to control my mood and emotional well-being.
Learning that I had the power and then learning how to manage it…everything.
5. “If only____________that would solve everything.”
Now, in this version of this thought you can insert if only I could lose the weight, find the perfect man, if only I had that house or that car or made 100K in my business.
Whatever it is that you think will solve all your problems and make you happy is a lie and it prevents you from being happy now.
There is no better there than here.
We do this a lot with losing weight and making more money.
If I weighed this….I would be happier and feel worthy.
If I made 100K I would feel legit, or feel more valuable or love my job more or my business more.
You have the ability to feel however you think you would feel if you created that results…available to you right now. In fact, you must access that emotion and be fueled by that emotion in order to create the result
6. “That’s just the way I am.”
It sounds like this…
- I am just not a morning person, that’s just the way I am .
- I’m just not ambitious, I never have been.
- I’m just not a person who can focus, that’s just the way I am.
All of those thoughts are a lie…
You get to define who you are. Who you are depends on what you think about yourself. You are not just like anything that you didn’t decide to be. You get to decide who you want to be.
Now, if these lies that you brain throws you on the daily are working for you and you are creating the results of your heart’s desire…rock on my friend but…
If not, then decide to think different thoughts. Decide to think thoughts that support the outcomes that you want to create.
- Want a better job, start thinking better thoughts about your current job.
- Want a better relationship with hubby, start thinking better thoughts about hubby.
- Want a thinner body, start throwing your current body some love thoughts.
This all sounds so simple in theory and it is… but it’s not easy.
That’s why I hired a coach several years ago to walk me through the process and coach me into creating different results.
That’s why I encourage you to work with your own coach, even if it’s not me.
If you aren’t ready to work with a coach…I get it, I actually followed my coach for a year before I reached out and started working with her.
But you can totally fast track all of your results with a coach…
In the meantime, I have tons of free content available to you.
You can subscribe to my blogs, my podcast and do my free virtual workshops all the things.

Alright my friends…go be a goal setting, goal getting, goal digger!!!!
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