I get these question a lot from my students who are either trying to grow their business or the students who are trying to get the promotion at work…
“How do I know how much value to give before I can expect a return?” “How do I balance giving value with getting something in return?” “What if I contribute all I have to contribute and I still don’t land the client or get the job?” “Exactly how much should I give away?”
My answer is: Give it all, every day. Hold nothing back for later, and expect nothing in return for what you give. When I am creating content, I never have the thought that I should save this for my paying clients. The reason that I don’t is that I know that whatever I give will come back to me in the form of even better ideas and deeper concepts for my coaching clients.
I know that what I give creates space for more evolved thoughts and ideas. In this episode I want to talk about how you can apply that concept to your life regardless of where you are in your life.