First of all, I want to make it very clear to all of you listening/reading this journey, that Steve and I ARE NOT unicorns. We are people just like you. We have the same kind of thoughts that you do, similar struggles…all the things.
Sometimes when we hear other people’s personal stories, we tend to think that they are special and that we could never do that, whatever that is.
But, I want you to know and it is very important to me that you hear this part loud and clear…we are just like you and that my friends is what makes anything possible for you.
Whatever you want to create in your life. It is possible.
You can listen here…

So here we go.
Two years ago, in 2018 in May, we decided to move to Florida.
Now many factors went in to making that decision like, job opportunities, dressage opportunities that didn’t require 6 hours of travel one way, access to trainers etc..
So we landed on the decision of Florida. It’s important to know this part though…we had only been to Florida twice. Once for my daughter’s wedding and once for a conference.
Another thing that is important to know is that we had also decided the same decision in 2016. In 2016 we decided that Oklahoma was not going to be where retired.
We had the idea that we could actually move to our retirement destination now and work for 10 years and then retire. We actually planned to visit and plan vacations around checking out some options, planned to go to 5K’s in Florida.
And then…our brains showed up. The primal part of the brain that loves to keep us in the cave. The part of the brain that says…how on earth could you find jobs that pay what you are making, you love the people you work for and work with, how could you ever leave them. How could you ever find what you have in Oklahoma with 10 acres…how can you even comprehend moving horses and dogs and two barns full of stuff half way across the country.
We quickly got into what I call “How energy” and we talked ourselves out of even thinking about it.
I had made a list of all of the things that I would want for my horses if we moved to Florida and that list looked so daunting and impossible to create in Florida that I just stopped thinking about it.
I started justifying my “how energy” as being practical and playing safe and being responsible. In my mind, I started thinking of all of the reasons that moving to Florida was impossible.
So we decided to suck it up and stay in Oklahoma until we retired.
About the same time I found life coaching. I didn’t even know there was such a thing before then.
So I started doing lots of thought work and mindset work and fast forward 2 more years of Oklahoma winters and we brought up the topic again and this time when we decided to talk about it, we also decided to think on purpose that anything is possible and nothing is too good to be true.
I grew up with the notion that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is…that my friends is a lie!
It’s a lie to keep you from dreaming and from doing things that grow you.
Now, I am not going to say that the notion of moving to Florida wasn’t scary. It was. But it was also exciting and energizing and we were curious how it was all going to work out and what it would look like and be like.
So you might be thinking that we jumped on a plane and started scouting out places…Nope!
We just focused on the what…It’s Florida. We didn’t get wrapped up in the how or the where in Florida, we only focused on the what…Florida.
It was a few days later that the company Steve was working for merged with a company in Florida, like 10 days. We both had the thought that maybe this is how.
When things like that happen, we also tend to think that it’s the universe telling us that we made the right decision right…
Here is lesson #1 There is no right decision and there is no wrong decision as long as you love you reason for making the decision.
We loved our reasons…
So Steve did approach the CEO and let the company know that we have an interest in moving and they were ecstatic and said yes.
Here is lesson #2…don’t get emotionally attached to the how…just the what.
Although they loved the idea, it never got traction. Had we relied on that as being the how, we might still be in Oklahoma.
We refused to be confused about how this was going to work out and just got curious about the how.
Humans can get very worked up with how energy, and that feels terrible. How energy is needy, needy to know how and graspy and it comes from a scarcity mind set and so we were committed to anything is possible and we started talking about the possibility of a company that would move us to Florida.
Steve got curios about the job market in Florida and within a few weeks, he had 3 interviews and a decision to make.
In the meantime, I started looking at the possibility of doing what I do for the company that I love so much, but doing it from Florida.
I started seeing how that could be possible.
Had I decided that the how looked like me looking for a different job, I would have missed out on the magic of how things work out.
So within weeks of deciding on Florida Steve had a job, my supervisor said “just do what you do from Florida” and the next step was to sell the house and buy a house.
Here is lesson #3. All of the obstacles that are between where you are and the outcome that you want to create are the way…they are the path, the journey that you must go on, they are NOT the reason to not go on the journey.
So many times, we look at all of the things in our way as the reason we don’t something…what is in the way, is the way my friends.
Our obstacles were jobs, homes and the logistics of moving a 10 acre farm.. That was all of things in the way, but it also was the way.
Each day we moved the needle and solved for overcoming each one of the obstacles. Step by step and day by day, with the conscious thought that anything is possible and nothing is too good to be true.
Was everything rainbows and daisies…NO!!! Living your dream doesn’t mean every thing always goes your way.
Life is still 50/50. Even when creating the life of your dreams…Always.
So many times when things start going south we automatically blame ourselves for making the wrong decision…again!
Remember, there are no wrong decisions, even when they don’t work out in your favor, it does not make it a wrong decision as long as you love your reason for the decision.
One of the decisions that I made when it came time to list the house was that I would do it myself. I had the idea that I wanted the commission and I had had a RE license in the past so I felt equipped, and I wanted the commission.
Within days of that decision I realized that I didn’t love my reason for that decision. It was made in insufficiency and lack…
Lesson #4…you cannot create abundance from a place of scarcity and lack. An abundant mindset is what creates abundance.
A scarcity mindset creates more scarcity.
and so at one point I told Steve, the next Realtor that reaches out to me is going to be blessed with our listing. They don’t have to sell me on them, they just get to come list our house.
I loved my reason for that decision…within minutes, someone pinged me about the price and was there room if he brought me a deal. I said yes and you get to come list our home if you would like.
If you are a realtor, you understand the gift of a response like that. He came out and listed our house, he was in awe and even suggested we list higher than we had originally thought. Who doesn’t like that idea right.
So I was pretty excited about this decision. Within days however, the house still wasn’t listed and he wasn’t returning my calls.
We were in the process of making an offer on a house in Florida and we really needed him to coordinate with our Realtor in Florida and it just wasn’t happening.
So, you might be thinking that I made the wrong decision…remember lesson #1, there are no wrong decisions as long as you love you reason for the decision.
I still loved my reason even though it didn’t work out in our favor, I loved my reason, it came from good energy.
So when you are faced with something that isn’t going your way what do you do?
You make a decision that will move the process forward. That’s it! You don’t place blame, point fingers or contemplate the decision you made as being right or wrong. Just take the next best step forward.
So many times, we look at this kind of thing as a sign that we made a wrong decision, we start thinking things like” I guess it’s not meant to be” and I want you to know, that just isn’t the case.
It’s an obstacle yes but obstacles are how we learn to grown and we become resilient and we become clever problem solvers. Without a problem to solve for, we learn nothing.
Now don’t get me wrong, Steve and I don’t sit around hoping for a problem to solve for so we grow, not at all but what we do is decide what moves us forward. What’s the next best step.
In this case the move forward was to call the broker, tell him what happened and ask the listing to be moved.
We believed in the possibility that our house would sell and it did, over asking price, within a day of being listed.
Here is lesson #5… plan for the obstacles, prepare for and anticipate what could happen and solve for them and then…leave room for that magic….
A couple of weeks before we moved, I contacted the HOA to find out the details of the neighborhood association and what it included. What I learned blew my mind. Turns out we had bought into an equestrian community with a community barn 7 minutes from our home, two barns, a lighted arena, 15 miles of trails and we could rent for $50 a horse. WHAT???
If you have horses you know what a blessing an gift that was. We thought we would have to board until we got our property fenced.
Board in Florida is between 500 and 800 per horse. This was mind blowing but what I am going to share with you now is where the magic lies…
Lesson #6 write down what you want. Here is why…you are 42% more likely to create an outcome that you write down.
A few weeks after we were unpacked, I was preparing for a workshop and I found a notebook full of my workshop notes and it had a page marked with a sticky note so I opened it up to that page.
Remember that list that I told you about that I created in 2016, the list that was created from a scarcity mindset…well on that list was the following: stalls, hay storage, tack room, lite arena, close to trails, a covered area for my horse trailer which we didn’t even have in Oklahoma by the way.
But the other thing on that list is what blew my mind, when I lifted the sticky note that was marking the page it revealed two words that I don’t even remember thinking about let alone writing it down…Equestrian Community.
Everything on that list, we had created in our lives after all.
- When we believed in the possibility of finding the perfect home for us, we did, and for less than we anticipated and with more that we had even dreamed. We also bought it, online site unseen.
- When we believed in the possibility that we could sell all the stuff in our barns and house down to a 16foot POD. That’s exactly what we did.
- We believed in the possibility that moving across country with 4 dogs and two horses would be an adventure and that we would create memories and stories worth sharing. It was and we did.
Now, this story is full of possibility and magic and I don’t want to leave you with the impression that it was all unicorns and rainbows, it wasn’t but we never let the other 50% of the time make us think that we had made the wrong decision and that is the message that I want you to hear.
Whatever outcome you want to create is possible, is it easy, no…but it’s possible and in fact, as long as you don’t quit, it’s inevitable.
I hope that you have the BEST WEEK EVER!!!
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